
Technology and Automation

The Case Management and Criminal History Records Improvement program is funded through grants from the National Criminal History Improvement Program and the National Records Improvement Program in cooperation with the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

Pursuant to Section 43.503, for the purpose of maintaining complete and accurate criminal history record information, all police officers of this state, the clerk of each court, the department of corrections, the sheriff of each county, the chief law enforcement official of a city not within a county and the prosecuting attorney of each county or the circuit attorney of a city not within a county shall submit certain criminal arrest, charge, and disposition information to the central repository for filing without undue delay in the form and manner required by sections 43.500 to 43.543.

To further this goal, regular training is provided on all issues that may arise in prosecution technology and automoation. Please click on the provided link to view training opportunities

The program assists prosecutors’ offices in fulfilling this mandate and in promoting a uniform case management system for prosecutors' offices across the state. Thomas Clinton serves as the MOPS Information Technology Specialist and may be reached at any time.

Do not hesitate to contact us:
Missouri Office of Prosecution Services
PO Box 899
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
(573) 751-0619